Europäische Ratingagentur. Objektiv, transparent und unabhängig.
Europäische Ratingagentur. Objektiv, transparent und unabhängig.

Published Ratings

Letzte Ratingänderungen
Auf Von
Objekt Typ Auftrag Währung Erstellung Veröffentlichung Rating Ratingzusatz Outlook Rating Ratingzusatz Outlook
Sparkasse Oberösterreich Bank AG Bank Issuer unsolicited LC 27.09.2024 09.10.2024
Universal Securitisation Solutions II S.A.,Compartment Securio 02-1902-01
Inhaberschuldverschreibungen ICG SDPartner Wacker SMA Notes
Institutional Investor Debt solicited LC 25.09.2024 02.10.2024 BBB- Outlook STA BBB Outlook NEG
Non-preferred Senior Unsecured
Bank Issue unsolicited LC 27.09.2024 02.10.2024 A- A-
Preferred Senior Unsecured
Bank Issue unsolicited LC 27.09.2024 02.10.2024 A A
Tier 2
Bank Issue unsolicited LC 27.09.2024 02.10.2024 BBB- BBB-
Additional Tier 1
Bank Issue unsolicited LC 27.09.2024 02.10.2024 BB+ BB+
Deutsche Bank AG Bank Issuer unsolicited LC 27.09.2024 02.10.2024 A Outlook STA A Outlook STA
ENEL Finance International N.V.
Long-Term Local Currency Senior Unsecured Issues
Corporate Issue unsolicited LC 24.09.2024 27.09.2024 BBB Outlook STA BBB Outlook STA
ENEL Finance International N.V. Corporate Issuer unsolicited LC 24.09.2024 27.09.2024 BBB Outlook STA BBB Outlook STA
Long-Term Local Currency Senior Unsecured Issues
Corporate Issue unsolicited LC 24.09.2024 27.09.2024 BBB Outlook STA BBB Outlook STA
ENEL S.p.A. Corporate Issuer unsolicited LC 24.09.2024 27.09.2024 BBB Outlook STA BBB Outlook STA
LHI Premium MO II SV-GmbH
Schuldverschreibung Motel One II
Institutional Investor Debt solicited LC 25.09.2024 27.09.2024 A- Outlook STA BBB+ Outlook STA
IHS Nr. 3 GmbH
IHS Nr. 3 GmbH
Institutional Investor Debt solicited LC 16.09.2024 25.09.2024 BBB Outlook STA BBB Outlook STA
IHS Nr. 2 GmbH
IHS Nr. 2 GmbH
Institutional Investor Debt solicited LC 16.09.2024 25.09.2024 BBB+ Outlook STA BBB+ Outlook STA
IHS Nr. 1 GmbH
IHS Nr. 1 GmbH - Anleihe 2017/2026
Institutional Investor Debt solicited LC 16.09.2024 25.09.2024 BBB Outlook STA BBB Outlook STA
Nestlé Finance International Ltd.
Long-Term Local Currency Senior Unsecured Issues
Corporate Issue unsolicited LC 19.09.2024 24.09.2024 A+ Outlook STA A+ Outlook STA
Nestlé Finance International Ltd. Corporate Issuer unsolicited LC 19.09.2024 24.09.2024 A+ Outlook STA A+ Outlook STA
Nestlé S.A. Corporate Issuer unsolicited LC 19.09.2024 24.09.2024 A+ Outlook STA A+ Outlook STA
Slovak Republic
Sovereign Issue unsolicited LC 17.09.2024 20.09.2024 A Outlook STA A+ Outlook NEG
Slovak Republic
Sovereign Issue unsolicited FC 17.09.2024 20.09.2024 A Outlook STA A+ Outlook NEG
Slovak Republic Sovereign Issuer unsolicited LC 17.09.2024 20.09.2024 A Outlook STA A+ Outlook NEG
Republic of Ireland
Sovereign Issue unsolicited LC 16.09.2024 20.09.2024 AA Outlook POS AA- Outlook POS
Republic of Ireland
Sovereign Issue unsolicited FC 16.09.2024 20.09.2024 AA Outlook POS AA- Outlook POS
Republic of Ireland Sovereign Issuer unsolicited LC 16.09.2024 20.09.2024 AA Outlook POS AA- Outlook POS
Latvenergo AS
Long-Term Local Currency Senior Unsecured Issues
Corporate Issue unsolicited LC 13.09.2024 19.09.2024 A- Outlook STA BBB+ Outlook STA
Latvenergo AS Corporate Issuer unsolicited LC 13.09.2024 19.09.2024 A- Outlook STA BBB+ Outlook STA
Slovenská Sporitelna, A.S.
Tier 2
Bank Issue unsolicited LC 06.09.2024 18.09.2024 BBB+ BBB+
Slovenská Sporitelna, A.S.
Preferred Senior Unsecured
Bank Issue unsolicited LC 06.09.2024 18.09.2024 A+ A+
Slovenská Sporitelna, A.S. Bank Issuer unsolicited LC 06.09.2024 18.09.2024 A+ Outlook STA A+ Outlook STA
Erste & Steiermärkische Banka d.d. Bank Issuer unsolicited LC 06.09.2024 18.09.2024 A+ Outlook STA A+ Outlook STA
Filter By: Letzte 24 Stunden Letzte 7 Tage
Objekt Typ Rating Auftrag Währung Ratingzusatz Outlook Max. Gültig Bis Veröffentlichung
Aareal Bank AG
Öffentliche Pfandbriefe
Bank Covered Bonds unsolicited LC 20.12.2023
AB Commercial Real Estate Debt German Feeder Fund, S.C.S. SICAV-RAIF
2,5 % S.C.S. Bearer Notes
Institutional Investor Debt BBB+ solicited FC Outlook STA 20.06.2030 09.11.2023
Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. Corporate Issuer BBB- unsolicited LC Outlook STA 24.01.2024
Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A.
Long-Term Local Currency Senior Unsecured Issues
Corporate Issue BBB- unsolicited LC Outlook STA 24.01.2024
Acciona Energía Financiación Filiales S.A. Unipersonal Corporate Issuer unsolicited LC 10.07.2024