European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.
European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.

Preferred Senior Unsecured

Erste Group Bank AG

Rating History

Rating Watch Outlook Decision Date Action Validity Date Maximum Validity
A+ 06.09.2024 18.09.2024
A+ 30.08.2023 13.09.2023
A 28.09.2022 06.10.2022
A 27.08.2021 06.09.2021
A- Watch UNW 05.07.2021 06.07.2021
A- 16.10.2020 02.11.2020
A Watch NEW 24.03.2020 28.03.2020
A 29.11.2019 10.12.2019
A- Watch UNW 18.06.2019 21.06.2019
A- 24.08.2018 26.09.2018
A- 09.03.2018 22.03.2018


  • 18.09.2024
    Creditreform Rating (CRA) affirms Erste Group Bank AG's (Group) Long-Term Issuer Rating at A+. The rating outlook is stable.
    CRA affirms Erste Group Bank AG's Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt at A+, Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt at A, Tier 2 Capital at BBB+ and AT1 Capital at BBB.
  • 13.09.2023
    Creditreform Rating (CRA) upgrades Erste Group Bank AG (Group) Long-Term Issuer Rating to A+. The rating outlook is stable.
    CRA upgrades Erste Group Bank AG Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt to A+, Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt to A, Tier 2 Capital to BBB+ and AT1 Capital to BBB.
  • 06.10.2022
    Creditreform Rating has affirmed the Erste Group Bank AG Long-Term Issuer Rating at 'A'. The outlook is set to 'positive'. The rating of 'Tier 2' capital is affirmed at 'BBB'. The rating of 'Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured' is affirmed at 'A-'. The rating of 'Preferred-Senior Unsecured' debt is affirmed at 'A'. In addition, Creditreform has affirmed the rating of the debt class Additional Tier 1 at 'BBB-'. For further information, please refer to our Rating Update on our website.
  • 06.09.2021
    Creditreform Rating has upgraded the long-term issuer rating of Erste Group Bank AG from A- to A. The outlook is stable. In addition, Creditreform Rating raised the rating of preferred senior unsecured debt from A- to A, the rating of non-preferred senior unsecured debt from BBB+ to A-, the rating of Tier 2 capital from BBB- to BBB and the rating of additional Tier 1 capital from BB+ to BBB-.
  • 06.07.2021
    Creditreform Rating AG has revised its rating methodology for the rating of banks (Bank Ratings). Henceforth, only the revised version of the rating methodology ("Version 3.0") will be applied with the end of the consultation process. In addition, Creditreform Rating AG introduced the new sub-methodology „Institutional Protection Scheme Banks“. Hence, all current ratings of bank capital and unsecured bank instruments will be reviewed as part of our current monitoring and receive therefore the rating supplement "watch". Our revised rating methodologies can be found at
  • 02.11.2020
    Creditreform Rating has lowered the long-term issuer rating of Erste Group Bank AG from A to A-. The outlook is stable. In addition, Creditreform Rating lowered the rating of Preferred Senior Unsecured debt from A to A-, the rating of Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured debt from A- to BBB+, the rating of Tier 2 capital from BBB to BBB- and the rating of Additional Tier 1 capital from BBB- to BB+.
  • 28.03.2020
    Creditreform Rating has set the rating of all valid bank ratings and bank issues to watch negative due to the currently not assessable impact of the Corona Crisis. Not affected by this rating action are government related banks. We refer to the free available Monitoring Report for a more detailed explanation.
  • 10.12.2019
    Creditreform Rating has raised the rating of Erste Group Bank AG from A- to A. The outlook is stable. In addition, Creditreform Rating has raised the rating of Additional Tier 1 capital from BB+ to BBB- and the rating of Tier 2 capital from BBB- to BBB. The rating of Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt (after reclassification from Senior Unsecured Debt) was raised from A- to A. Moreover, the rating of Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt was set to A-.
  • 21.06.2019
    Creditreform Rating AG has revised its rating methodology for the rating of "Bank Capital and Unsecured Debt Instruments". Henceforth, only the revised version of the rating methodology ("Version 2.0") will be applied. Moreover, all current ratings of bank capital and unsecured bank instruments will be reviewed as part of our current monitoring and receive therefore the rating supplement "watch". Our revised rating methodology can be found at
  • 26.09.2018
    Creditreform Rating has affirmed the rating of Erste Group Bank AG with A-. The outlook is stable. In addition, Creditreform Rating has affirmed the rating of Additional Tier 1 with BB+, the rating of Tier 2 with BBB- and the rating of Senior Unsecured with A-.
  • 22.03.2018
    Creditreform Rating has set the rating of Erste Group Bank AG to A-, with stable outlook. Creditreform Rating has also determined the ratings of the debt classes as follows. The rating of Additional Tier 1 was set to BB+, the rating of Tier 2 to BBB- and the rating of the Senior Unsecured to A-.

ISIN Liste

ISIN Action Validity Date Maximum Validity
AT0000A3ETY6 08.10.2024
AT0000A3EPC0 08.10.2024
AT0000A3DGG2 18.09.2024
AT0000A3E6Z1 03.09.2024
AT0000A3DX75 16.08.2024
AT0000A3DUW0 16.08.2024
AT0000A3DQD8 16.08.2024
AT0000A3D471 16.08.2024
AT0000A3CQK5 16.08.2024
AT0000A3DNW5 20.07.2024
AT0000A3DXD4 13.07.2024
AT0000A3D5E9 06.07.2024
AT0000A3D5G4 03.07.2024
AT0000A3DGL2 29.06.2024
AT0000A3CSU0 04.06.2024
AT0000A3CTJ1 28.05.2024
AT0000A3BPR4 03.05.2024
AT0000A3BMB5 26.04.2024
AT0000A3BK56 26.04.2024
AT0000A3BQ76 13.04.2024
AT0000A3B0J1 12.04.2024
AT0000A3B020 12.04.2024
AT0000A3B0K9 21.03.2024
AT0000A3AJS7 21.03.2024
AT0000A3AJM0 21.03.2024
AT0000A3AWE0 02.03.2024
AT0000A3AVU8 29.02.2024
AT0000A39R31 21.02.2024
AT0000A39M93 21.02.2024
AT0000A39GL7 09.02.2024
AT0000A3A378 06.02.2024
AT0000A3A1W3 31.01.2024
AT0000A39GM5 11.01.2024
AT0000A38ND2 03.01.2024
AT0000A38M86 03.01.2024
AT0000A38KS6 03.01.2024
AT0000A38JF5 16.12.2023
AT0000A387C9 05.12.2023
AT0000A382K3 05.12.2023
AT0000A382J5 05.12.2023
AT0000A38G43 02.12.2023
AT0000A381A6 18.11.2023
AT0000A375B6 07.11.2023
AT0000A375A8 07.11.2023
AT0000A373P1 26.10.2023
AT0000A377Y4 11.10.2023
AT0000A36FK7 02.09.2023
AT0000A36FJ9 02.09.2023
AT0000A36FH3 02.09.2023
AT0000A360R4 05.08.2023
AT0000A360Q6 05.08.2023
AT0000A35XT3 05.08.2023
AT0000A35MQ2 05.08.2023
AT0000A35ZQ4 22.07.2023
AT0000A34QP8 08.07.2023
AT0000A35ZP6 05.07.2023
AT0000A35A67 05.07.2023
AT0000A35383 05.07.2023
AT0000A35375 05.07.2023
AT0000A352N0 30.06.2023
AT0000A34JL2 14.06.2023
AT0000A34CZ7 14.06.2023
AT0000A347Z4 14.06.2023
AT0000A347Y7 14.06.2023
AT0000A34634 14.06.2023
AT0000A34QR4 01.06.2023
AT0000A33TM1 25.05.2023
AT0000A33TK5 27.04.2023
AT0000A33TJ7 27.04.2023
AT0000A321D6 16.03.2023
AT0000A325V9 07.03.2023
AT0000A325A3 04.03.2023
AT0000A32KC3 25.02.2023
AT0000A32KL4 23.02.2023
AT0000A32KK6 23.02.2023 23.08.2024
AT0000A327M4 18.02.2023
AT0000A324V2 18.02.2023
AT0000A32RM7 11.02.2023
AT0000A324M1 08.02.2023
AT0000A320H9 21.01.2023
AT0000A32562 18.01.2023
AT0000A320B2 18.01.2023
AT0000A320J5 07.01.2023
AT0000A32232 05.01.2023
AT0000A321E4 05.01.2023
AT0000A322F9 21.12.2022
AT0000A322E2 21.12.2022
AT0000A321N5 21.12.2022
AT0000A31PD2 10.12.2022
AT0000A31LT7 10.12.2022
AT0000A31PL5 08.12.2022
AT0000A321H7 07.12.2022
AT0000A32042 07.12.2022
AT0000A32174 06.12.2022
AT0000A321F1 06.12.2022
AT0000A31LU5 06.12.2022 03.06.2024
AT0000A31KR3 06.12.2022
AT0000A31FE1 23.11.2022
AT0000A31E18 23.11.2022
AT0000A31PG5 22.11.2022
AT0000A31PE0 22.11.2022
AT0000A31KK8 22.11.2022
AT0000A31FH4 22.11.2022
AT0000A31EW6 17.11.2022
AT0000A30HA7 16.11.2022
AT0000A30ZJ0 05.11.2022
AT0000A31FJ0 05.11.2022
AT0000A30ST4 05.11.2022
AT0000A30PP8 05.11.2022
AT0000A30ES6 04.11.2022
AT0000A30772 04.11.2022
AT0000A31242 28.10.2022
AT0000A30FA1 28.10.2022
AT0000A30ZK8 26.10.2022
AT0000A30XV0 26.10.2022 12.04.2024
AT0000A30764 26.10.2022
AT0000A30707 26.10.2022
AT0000A305U3 26.10.2022
AT0000A30665 15.10.2022
AT0000A303A0 06.10.2022
AT0000A303B8 06.10.2022
AT0000A30EL1 06.10.2022
AT0000A30392 06.10.2022
AT0000A303X2 23.09.2022
AT0000A30673 23.09.2022
AT0000A2ZXS7 20.09.2022
AT0000A303Y0 16.09.2022 02.09.2024
AT0000A2ZUT1 16.09.2022
AT0000A2ZU40 16.09.2022
AT0000A2ZU32 16.09.2022
AT0000A2ZU24 16.09.2022
AT0000A2ZQF8 16.09.2022
AT0000A2Z757 15.09.2022
AT0000A2ZXU3 06.09.2022
AT0000A303D4 30.08.2022 26.08.2024
AT0000A303C6 30.08.2022
AT0000A2ZT19 30.08.2022
AT0000A2ZT01 23.08.2022
AT0000A2YXK7 23.08.2022
AT0000A2YXT8 20.08.2022
AT0000A2YXR2 20.08.2022
AT0000A2YXQ4 20.08.2022
AT0000A2YXP6 12.08.2022
AT0000A2YP63 12.08.2022
AT0000A2YQ70 09.08.2022
AT0000A2YD91 09.08.2022
AT0000A2Z6U8 30.07.2022
AT0000A2YPN7 30.07.2022
AT0000A2YPK3 30.07.2022
AT0000A2YP06 30.07.2022
AT0000A2YD42 30.07.2022
AT0000A2YD34 30.07.2022
AT0000A2YXJ9 23.07.2022
AT0000A2YPL1 23.07.2022
AT0000A2YDE2 23.07.2022
AT0000A2YD83 23.07.2022 01.07.2024
AT0000A2YCN5 23.07.2022
AT0000A2YBM9 23.07.2022
AT0000A2YBL1 23.07.2022
AT0000A2YBJ5 06.07.2022
AT0000A2Y9J6 06.07.2022
AT0000A2Y9H0 06.07.2022
AT0000A2YAT6 16.06.2022
AT0000A2Y9Y5 16.06.2022
AT0000A2Y2W4 16.06.2022
AT0000A2Y2U8 16.06.2022
AT0000A2XLJ6 02.06.2022
AT0000A2XGC1 12.05.2022
AT0000A2XMG0 07.05.2022
AT0000A2XMB1 04.05.2022
AT0000A2WS88 26.04.2022
AT0000A2WS70 26.04.2022
AT0000A2WVQ2 12.04.2022
AT0000A2VLS1 29.03.2022
AT0000A2VKS3 15.03.2022
AT0000A2VLM4 08.03.2022
AT0000A2VHK6 05.03.2022
AT0000A2VHJ8 05.03.2022
AT0000A2VB39 26.02.2022
AT0000A2VB62 17.02.2022
AT0000A2VDG3 10.02.2022
AT0000A2APZ1 11.01.2022
AT0000A286G4 11.01.2022
AT0000A2UNT7 22.12.2021
AT0000A2TMY1 06.11.2021
AT0000A2TKB3 04.11.2021
AT0000A2TKK4 15.10.2021
AT0000A2T446 02.10.2021
AT0000A2SUH1 16.09.2021
ATDEALFBX2U1 01.06.2021 28.05.2024
AT0000A2RAK9 29.05.2021
AT0000A2RAA0 19.05.2021
AT0000A2N837 28.01.2021
AT000B007257 26.01.2021
AT000B007539 26.01.2021
AT000B120142 26.01.2021
AT000B119581 26.01.2021
AT0000A2KW37 17.11.2020
AT0000A2KS33 13.11.2020
AT0000A2KD48 31.10.2020
AT0000A2JSP7 31.10.2020
AT0000A2JAF6 17.09.2020
AT0000A2HU26 25.08.2020
AT0000A2H9M1 24.06.2020
AT0000A2GLU8 24.06.2020
AT0000A2GKQ8 03.06.2020
AT0000A2GH08 19.05.2020
AT0000A2F1T5 07.05.2020
AT0000A2G6D7 01.05.2020
AT0000A2GFG9 29.04.2020
AT0000A2CEH9 15.02.2020
AT0000A2B717 06.12.2019
AT0000A2AZ93 29.11.2019
AT0000A2B5S2 28.11.2019
AT0000A2AKV1 26.10.2019
AT0000A28U13 27.08.2019
AT0000A28KP3 16.08.2019
AT0000A288E5 31.07.2019
AT0000A28677 28.06.2019
AT0000A28693 24.05.2019
AT0000A283L1 18.05.2019
AT0000A27844 18.05.2019
AT0000A26ZB5 03.05.2019
AT0000A272M2 03.05.2019
XS1982725159 03.05.2019 17.04.2024
AT0000A26P53 12.04.2019
AT0000A27FC3 12.04.2019 06.05.2022
AT0000A279N5 05.04.2019
AT0000A278M9 05.04.2019
AT0000A26Z51 05.04.2019
AT0000A26PP6 05.04.2019
AT0000A26J51 05.04.2019
AT0000A26J02 05.04.2019 27.03.2024
AT0000A26AR4 29.03.2019
AT0000A272A7 29.03.2019
AT0000A27646 29.03.2019 07.10.2024
AT0000A277Q2 29.03.2019
AT0000A26Z44 22.03.2019
AT0000A26804 08.03.2019
AT0000A26853 08.03.2019 28.08.2023
AT0000A26895 08.03.2019
AT0000A268B3 08.03.2019
AT0000A26AS2 26.02.2019
AT0000A268K4 20.02.2019
AT0000A26952 07.02.2019
AT0000A26960 31.01.2019
AT0000A255W6 04.01.2019
AT0000A255V8 04.01.2019
AT0000A1D2V2 03.12.2018
XS0212437015 03.12.2018 17.02.2020
AT0000A19SK6 03.12.2018 30.10.2020
AT0000A1LF53 03.12.2018 07.07.2023
AT0000A10741 03.12.2018 18.05.2020
AT000B120365 03.12.2018 29.01.2021
AT0000A193F4 03.12.2018 17.08.2021
AT0000A1L6L4 03.12.2018 03.05.2022
AT0000A0ZYV3 03.12.2018 26.04.2021
XS0542374722 03.12.2018 22.09.2020
AT0000A10J00 03.12.2018 30.12.2019
AT0000A20DY7 03.12.2018
AT0000A11BH5 03.12.2018 04.04.2019
AT0000A1ENV9 03.12.2018 01.07.2024
AT0000A1BMV7 03.12.2018 29.01.2021
AT0000A1Z2F9 03.12.2018
AT0000A10WA8 03.12.2018 24.08.2020
AT0000A1ASN3 03.12.2018 04.01.2022
AT0000A1VS80 03.12.2018 10.05.2023
AT000B120209 03.12.2018 04.01.2021
AT0000A18VK2 03.12.2018 08.08.2022
AT0000A1KVA3 03.12.2018 11.04.2019
AT0000A16WR9 03.12.2018 02.05.2019
AT0000A1HEZ2 03.12.2018
AT0000A0VPJ5 03.12.2018 30.01.2019
AT000B006697 03.12.2018
AT0000A15WB5 03.12.2018 06.04.2023
AT0000A1H294 03.12.2018 02.12.2022
AT000B005400 03.12.2018 27.01.2021
AT0000A15MN1 03.12.2018 12.09.2022
AT000B007067 03.12.2018
AT0000A0WM86 03.12.2018 28.03.2019
AT0000A0ZCL0 03.12.2018 06.03.2023
AT000B119961 03.12.2018 23.05.2019
AT0000A18017 03.12.2018 23.05.2019
AT0000A1KAU5 03.12.2018 23.03.2023
AT0000A0XD78 03.12.2018 28.11.2019
AT000B007992 03.12.2018 29.05.2020
AT0000A17CH0 03.12.2018 06.05.2021
AT0000A1J2A0 03.12.2018 10.02.2023
AT0000A1GM10 03.12.2018 28.10.2021
AT0000A1FH59 03.12.2018 29.07.2022
AT0000A0WM94 03.12.2018 26.09.2022
AT0000A0ZJ54 03.12.2018 27.09.2019
AT000B120035 03.12.2018 05.12.2019
AT0000A18975 03.12.2018 22.07.2022
AT0000A1KKE8 03.12.2018 12.04.2024
AT0000A0XYK1 03.12.2018 30.07.2019
AT000B119664 03.12.2018 27.07.2020
AT0000A17WD7 03.12.2018 15.12.2022
AT0000A1JWV9 03.12.2018 02.03.2023
AT0000A1KVL0 03.12.2018 19.05.2023
AT0000A18W47 03.12.2018 06.08.2021
AT0000A1A3L4 03.12.2018 22.11.2021
AT0000A1PNG6 03.12.2018
AT0000A10BS4 03.12.2018 05.06.2023
AT000B120423 03.12.2018 30.01.2023
AT0000A195V6 03.12.2018 29.09.2020
AT0000A1L7H0 03.12.2018 08.06.2021
AT0000A0ZZL1 03.12.2018 24.04.2020
AT000B120258 03.12.2018 29.06.2020
AT0000A0WUZ9 03.12.2018 02.05.2019
AT000B007554 03.12.2018 20.12.2018
AT0000A17555 03.12.2018 19.08.2022
AT0000A15419 03.12.2018 19.02.2019
AT0000A1G7C8 03.12.2018
AT0000A1DWP4 03.12.2018
AT000B003538 03.12.2018 25.09.2019
AT0000A14HY1 03.12.2018 29.01.2021
AT0000A1FVF2 03.12.2018 02.09.2021
AT0000A1DCR2 03.12.2018 17.09.2024
AT0000A23QR7 03.12.2018 30.10.2023
AT000B004825 03.12.2018 24.08.2020
AT0000A1GMG7 03.12.2018 03.11.2022
AT0000A1HHA8 03.12.2018 20.01.2023
AT0000A0W3Y2 03.12.2018 15.02.2019
AT000B006887 03.12.2018 28.03.2019
AT0000A161A2 03.12.2018 15.03.2021
AT0000A1H625 03.12.2018 20.10.2022
AT0000272513 03.12.2018
AT000B005533 03.12.2018 08.02.2021
AT0000A15PT1 03.12.2018
AT0000A131X7 03.12.2018 06.11.2023
AT0000A15831 03.12.2018 26.02.2020
AT0000A21LC4 03.12.2018
AT0000A11BJ1 03.12.2018 26.09.2022
AT0000A1EQP4 03.12.2018 05.09.2019
AT0000A1BNR3 03.12.2018 07.02.2023
AT0000A1Z304 03.12.2018
AT0000A11269 03.12.2018 07.03.2019
AT0000A1ASQ6 03.12.2018
AT0000A1VS98 03.12.2018 13.05.2024
AT0000A1D2W0 03.12.2018
AT0000A1FJM3 03.12.2018 03.01.2019
AT0000A1GF35 03.12.2018 14.04.2022
AT0000A1DWQ2 03.12.2018 30.11.2020
AT000B003561 03.12.2018 25.09.2019
AT0000A14HZ8 03.12.2018 30.01.2024
AT0000A1FWS3 03.12.2018
AT0000A1DDM1 03.12.2018 16.10.2023
AT0000A23QS5 03.12.2018 05.12.2018
AT0000A133W5 03.12.2018 24.08.2020
AT0000A10J18 03.12.2018 28.06.2021
XS0558271762 03.12.2018 18.11.2020
AT0000A1AE40 03.12.2018 03.12.2021
AT0000A1KVB1 03.12.2018 08.09.2020
AT0000A0ZCM8 03.12.2018 06.03.2020
AT000B119987 03.12.2018 27.04.2020
AT0000A18025 03.12.2018 25.05.2021
AT0000A1KCD7 03.12.2018 03.03.2020
AT0000A0XMX9 03.12.2018 06.01.2020
AT000B119623 03.12.2018 15.07.2019
AT0000A17DU1 03.12.2018 04.06.2020
AT0000A18VY3 03.12.2018 15.08.2024
AT000B120217 03.12.2018 04.01.2021
XS0272381491 03.12.2018 25.10.2021
AT0000A19Y69 03.12.2018 13.05.2022
AT0000A1MCA9 03.12.2018
AT0000A10774 03.12.2018 15.05.2023
AT000B120373 03.12.2018 06.02.2020
AT0000A193G2 03.12.2018 15.08.2019
AT0000A1L6M2 03.12.2018 03.05.2023
AT0000A0ZYY7 03.12.2018 24.10.2019
AT0000A1JG56 03.12.2018 23.02.2024
AT0000A21T54 03.12.2018
AT0000A1PV00 03.12.2018 29.06.2022
AT0000A10BU0 03.12.2018 08.06.2020
AT000B120431 03.12.2018 30.01.2024
AT0000A195W4 03.12.2018
AT0000A1L7J6 03.12.2018 13.06.2023
AT0000A104K1 03.12.2018 10.11.2021
AT000B120266 03.12.2018 04.07.2019
AT0000A18W54 03.12.2018 19.08.2022
AT0000A1TS27 03.12.2018 24.08.2022
AT0000A1AN72 03.12.2018
AT0000A120T8 03.12.2018 16.10.2020
AT0000A1FAM2 03.12.2018 15.08.2024
AT0000A1CBB0 03.12.2018 19.08.2022
AT0000A1ZU90 03.12.2018
AT0000A11731 03.12.2018 18.09.2020
AT0000A1AY87 03.12.2018 27.01.2023
AT0000A1XJN4 03.12.2018 29.09.2022
AT0000A10M39 03.12.2018 28.06.2021
AT0000A1KW20 03.12.2018 30.05.2023
AT0000A0ZJ70 03.12.2018 06.04.2023
AT000B120092 03.12.2018 11.06.2021
AT0000A0W3Z9 03.12.2018 15.02.2019
AT000B006911 03.12.2018 11.04.2022
AT0000A16WK4 03.12.2018
AT0000A1HCD3 03.12.2018 29.06.2023
AT0000A0VAC2 03.12.2018 11.12.2018
AT000B005541 03.12.2018 14.02.2020
AT0000A15PW5 03.12.2018 21.03.2019
AT0000A1GQT1 03.12.2018 11.05.2022
AT0000A1HN59 03.12.2018 06.01.2023
AT0000A178B4 03.12.2018 21.11.2019
AT0000A189A3 03.12.2018 17.01.2020
AT0000A1KM22 03.12.2018
AT0000A0XYM7 03.12.2018 07.07.2020
AT000B119672 03.12.2018 24.08.2020
AT0000A17WG0 03.12.2018 19.06.2024
AT0000A1JWW7 03.12.2018 12.03.2024
AT0000A0WVE2 03.12.2018 24.10.2019
AT000B007570 03.12.2018 21.06.2019
AT000B004833 03.12.2018 01.09.2020
AT0000A189C9 03.12.2018 16.07.2024
AT000B007034 03.12.2018 06.12.2018
AT0000A16WM0 03.12.2018 25.03.2021
AT0000A1HEV1 03.12.2018 04.01.2023
AT0000A0VLL0 03.12.2018 20.07.2020
AT000B006416 03.12.2018
AT0000A15TS5 03.12.2018 31.03.2020
AT0000A1GQV7 03.12.2018 11.11.2022
AT000B005210 03.12.2018 01.12.2022
AT0000A0W6D9 03.12.2018 14.03.2019
AT0000A1HSL2 03.12.2018 04.01.2021
AT0000A1KM55 03.12.2018 19.04.2023
AT0000A0Y1W8 03.12.2018 06.02.2020
AT000B119797 03.12.2018 30.07.2019
AT0000A17WJ4 03.12.2018 18.12.2019
AT0000A1JYB7 03.12.2018
AT0000A0XBK9 03.12.2018 21.11.2019
AT000B007620 03.12.2018 30.07.2020
AT0000A17AP7 03.12.2018 25.05.2020
AT0000A15K36 03.12.2018 10.02.2021
AT0000A1GF50 03.12.2018 14.10.2022
AT0000A1E192 03.12.2018
AT0000A1ERQ0 03.12.2018 19.01.2021
AT0000A1CBA2 03.12.2018
AT0000A1ZU82 03.12.2018 30.01.2024
AT0000A11434 03.12.2018 05.08.2020
AT0000A1AY38 03.12.2018 07.01.2019
AT0000A1XGL4 03.12.2018 07.10.2024
AT0000A10KB1 03.12.2018 29.06.2020
AT0000A1AE65 03.12.2018 03.06.2022
AT0000A12085 03.12.2018 16.10.2023
AT0000A21T47 03.12.2018 27.06.2024
AT000B004221 03.12.2018 03.09.2020
AT0000A14JM2 03.12.2018 05.02.2019
AT0000A1FWW5 03.12.2018 23.03.2023
AT0000A1DK07 03.12.2018
AT000B002340 03.12.2018 31.03.2020
AT0000A13K87 03.12.2018 04.12.2018
AT0000A1FJT8 03.12.2018 14.08.2023
AT0000A1D566 03.12.2018
AT0000A1TMY3 03.12.2018 08.02.2022
AT000B007141 03.12.2018 21.06.2021
AT000B004643 03.12.2018 19.06.2020
AT0000A153Z6 03.12.2018 19.02.2021
AT0000A1G4B7 03.12.2018 28.03.2022
AT0000A1DVN1 03.12.2018 13.05.2024
AT000B002837 03.12.2018 31.07.2023
AT0000A14HV7 03.12.2018 29.01.2021
AT0000A1FR99 03.12.2018 29.08.2022
AT0000A1DCK7 03.12.2018 01.04.2022
AT0000A1EKK8 03.12.2018 19.06.2020
AT0000A1GM93 03.12.2018 29.09.2022
AT0000A16WX7 03.12.2018 24.04.2023
AT0000A1HF00 03.12.2018
AT0000A0VPQ0 03.12.2018 30.07.2019
AT000B006713 03.12.2018 31.03.2020
AT0000A15WN0 03.12.2018 06.04.2021
AT0000A1H2A2 03.12.2018 02.12.2022
AT000B005418 03.12.2018
AT0000A15MP6 03.12.2018 14.03.2019
AT0000A229D1 03.12.2018
AT0000A12AZ7 03.12.2018 23.10.2020
AT0000A1FG19 03.12.2018
XS0149499179 03.12.2018 22.04.2022
AT0000A19PJ4 03.12.2018
AT0000A1L8W7 03.12.2018 29.06.2023
AT0000A106Z4 03.12.2018 18.11.2019
AT000B120316 03.12.2018 14.12.2020
AT0000A192U5 03.12.2018 27.02.2020
AT0000A1L6A7 03.12.2018 30.05.2023
AT0000A0ZJU6 03.12.2018 02.05.2019
AT0000A10CH5 03.12.2018 12.12.2018
AT0000A10HX1 03.12.2018 29.06.2020
AT0000A1CJA5 03.12.2018 27.02.2023
AT0000A1ZUB1 03.12.2018
AT0000A11764 03.12.2018 11.09.2023
AT0000A1BMD5 03.12.2018 01.02.2022
AT0000A1YDP0 03.12.2018 03.11.2022
AT0000A10W86 03.12.2018 26.02.2020
AT0000A1ASB8 03.12.2018
AT0000A1UEX0 03.12.2018
AT000B120183 03.12.2018 03.01.2019
AT0000A1D5T9 03.12.2018 18.09.2023
AT0000A1HQ15 03.12.2018 31.07.2023
AT0000A1GF43 03.12.2018
AT0000A1E184 03.12.2018 30.11.2020
AT000B003918 03.12.2018 14.01.2020
AT0000A14J71 03.12.2018 01.02.2019
AT0000A1FWT1 03.12.2018
AT0000A1DJP1 03.12.2018 22.04.2022
AT0000A249P3 03.12.2018
AT0000A138J1 03.12.2018 20.11.2019
AT0000A15849 03.12.2018 01.03.2021
AT000B005038 03.12.2018 01.10.2020
AT0000A0W5P5 03.12.2018 05.09.2019
AT000B006986 03.12.2018 25.05.2020
AT0000A16WL2 03.12.2018 25.03.2020
AT0000A1HEU3 03.12.2018 04.01.2023
AT0000A0VCS4 03.12.2018 29.06.2020
AT000B006093 03.12.2018 26.07.2021
AT0000A15Q22 03.12.2018 26.09.2019
AT0000A1GQU9 03.12.2018
AT0000A1FJS0 03.12.2018 16.02.2021
AT0000A1D558 03.12.2018 11.03.2022
AT0000A21LM3 03.12.2018 11.06.2024
AT0000A19Y77 03.12.2018 15.11.2021
AT0000A1NQR1 03.12.2018 19.01.2022
AT0000A10BR6 03.12.2018 08.06.2021
AT000B120415 03.12.2018 01.02.2022
AT0000A19593 03.12.2018 22.09.2022
AT0000A1L6N0 03.12.2018
AT0000A0ZZH9 03.12.2018 24.04.2023
AT000B120225 03.12.2018 04.01.2021
AT0000A1AE57 03.12.2018
XS0993272862 03.12.2018 16.05.2019
AT0000A11BK9 03.12.2018 29.09.2020
AT0000A1ERP2 03.12.2018 16.01.2024
AT0000A1CB58 03.12.2018
AT0000A1ZU74 03.12.2018 30.01.2023
AT0000A11426 03.12.2018 06.09.2021
AT0000A1ASR4 03.12.2018 17.01.2023
AT0000A1X8U7 03.12.2018 23.08.2023
AT0000A10K98 03.12.2018 03.01.2019
AT0000A18VZ0 03.12.2018 06.02.2020
AT0000A1EEY2 03.12.2018 03.06.2024
AT0000A1FG01 03.12.2018
AT0000A1CEU4 03.12.2018 25.08.2023
AT0000A1ZUA3 03.12.2018
AT0000A11756 03.12.2018 18.03.2020
AT0000A1BMC7 03.12.2018 30.01.2024
AT0000A1YBM1 03.12.2018
AT0000A10QC6 03.12.2018 29.06.2020
AT0000A1ARY2 03.12.2018
AT0000A12804 03.12.2018 30.07.2020
AT0000A21T62 03.12.2018
AT000B004338 03.12.2018 13.03.2020
AT0000A14PJ5 03.12.2018 19.02.2021
AT0000A1G4A9 03.12.2018
AT0000A1DSN7 03.12.2018 29.04.2022
AT000B002696 03.12.2018 27.02.2019
AT0000A13KA7 03.12.2018 14.12.2020
AT0000A1FQK2 03.12.2018 22.07.2022
AT0000A1D632 03.12.2018 26.09.2023
AT0000A1UBV0 03.12.2018 24.03.2021
AT0000A10GM6 03.12.2018 21.06.2019
AT0000A1T984 03.12.2018
AT0000A189B1 03.12.2018 16.07.2021
AT0000A1KM48 03.12.2018 19.04.2023
AT0000A0Y1V0 03.12.2018 07.02.2023
AT000B119698 03.12.2018 24.08.2020
AT0000A17WH8 03.12.2018 18.06.2021
AT0000A1JY05 03.12.2018
AT0000A0X7X4 03.12.2018 03.11.2022
AT000B007596 03.12.2018 14.12.2021
AT000B120134 03.12.2018 23.05.2019
AT0000A0ZJA8 03.12.2018 06.04.2020
AT0000A10BV8 03.12.2018 05.12.2019
AT000B120563 03.12.2018 15.08.2024
AT0000A195X2 03.12.2018 26.09.2022
AT0000A1L8V9 03.12.2018 24.08.2020
AT0000A10527 03.12.2018 18.05.2020
AT000B120308 03.12.2018 14.12.2019
AT0000A192L4 03.12.2018 15.08.2024
AT0000A1L684 03.12.2018 30.05.2023
AT0000A178C2 03.12.2018 27.05.2024
AT0000A10HY9 03.12.2018 29.06.2023
AT000B120191 03.12.2018 03.01.2019
AT0000A18QS5 03.12.2018 30.07.2021
AT0000A1KTX9 03.12.2018 28.04.2023
AT0000A0Z9E8 03.12.2018 30.08.2019
AT000B119938 03.12.2018 20.11.2020
AT0000A17ZN9 03.12.2018 27.05.2024
AT0000A1KAF6 03.12.2018
AT0000A0XBX2 03.12.2018 28.11.2022
AT0000A0ZKD0 03.12.2018 20.04.2020
AT0000A1L6D1 03.12.2018 29.04.2021
XS0539364231 03.12.2018 10.09.2020
AT0000A10CJ1 03.12.2018 13.06.2022
XS0201775946 03.12.2018 09.10.2019
AT0000A19PM8 03.12.2018 15.10.2021
AT0000A1LF20 03.12.2018 28.06.2024
AT0000A10717 03.12.2018 18.05.2021
AT000B120357 03.12.2018 29.01.2021
AT0000A192V3 03.12.2018 27.08.2021
AT000B007836 03.12.2018 31.03.2020
AT0000A17B76 03.12.2018 21.05.2021
AT0000A1J290 03.12.2018 10.02.2023
AT0000A1GLN5 03.12.2018 26.09.2022
AT0000A1EEH7 03.12.2018 04.05.2023
AT000B004254 03.12.2018 13.03.2020
AT0000A14KB3 03.12.2018 13.02.2020
AT0000A1G353 03.12.2018 29.08.2022
AT0000A1DSM9 03.12.2018 29.10.2020
AT000B002530 03.12.2018 22.01.2024
AT0000A13K95 03.12.2018 04.12.2020
AT0000A15MA8 03.12.2018 16.02.2021
AT000B005392 03.12.2018 28.01.2021
AT0000A0WLV7 03.12.2018 26.09.2019
AT000B007059 03.12.2018 04.11.2020
AT0000A16WQ1 03.12.2018 03.11.2022
AT0000A1HEW9 03.12.2018 30.06.2021
AT0000A0VLQ9 03.12.2018 11.01.2019
AT000B006648 03.12.2018
AT0000A15WA7 03.12.2018 04.04.2019
AT0000A1GZW6 03.12.2018 30.05.2023
AT0000A1FQ74 03.12.2018
AT0000A1KVK2 03.12.2018 19.05.2023
AT0000A16WZ2 03.12.2018 09.11.2021
AT0000A1HH99 03.12.2018 20.01.2023
AT0000A0W2J5 03.12.2018 22.08.2019
AT000B006788 03.12.2018 15.03.2022
AT0000A15ZG7 03.12.2018 29.03.2021
AT0000A1H2C8 03.12.2018 02.12.2020
AT0000272505 03.12.2018
AT000B005426 03.12.2018
AT000B007307 03.12.2018 30.07.2019
AT0000A0WNZ4 03.12.2018 14.10.2019
AT0000A0ZCX5 03.12.2018 13.03.2020
AT000B120027 03.12.2018 27.11.2023
AT0000A183S8 03.12.2018 28.05.2024
AT0000A1KK73 03.12.2018
AT0000A0XNJ6 03.12.2018 04.01.2023
AT000B119649 03.12.2018 29.06.2023
AT0000A17HN7 03.12.2018 11.06.2021
AT0000A1JWU1 03.12.2018
AT0000A15MQ4 03.12.2018 12.03.2021
AT0000A1GMA0 03.12.2018
AT0000A1EKL6 03.12.2018 18.12.2023
AT0000A1FGC0 03.12.2018
AT0000A1CJZ2 03.12.2018 03.02.2020
AT0000A1ZUC9 03.12.2018
AT0000A11939 03.12.2018 28.03.2019
AT0000A1BME3 03.12.2018
AT0000A1YR39 03.12.2018
AT0000A10W94 03.12.2018 21.08.2023
AT0000A1ASM5 03.12.2018 11.01.2022
AT0000A12G84 03.12.2018 06.11.2019
AT0000A229E9 03.12.2018
AT000B004734 03.12.2018 02.07.2020
AT0000A15401 03.12.2018 19.08.2022
AT0000A1G4K8 03.12.2018 01.10.2020
AT0000A1DVV4 03.12.2018 29.04.2022
AT000B002852 03.12.2018 01.06.2021
AT0000A14HW5 03.12.2018 30.01.2019
AT0000A1FVE5 03.12.2018 02.09.2024
AT0000A1DCL5 03.12.2018
AT0000A1VS72 03.12.2018 10.05.2022